Client: Chesterfield County + The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
In support of Chesterfield County and VDOT, ATCS staff provided preliminary design noise and air quality analysis services for the Bailey Bridge Connector project in support of the preparation of a Categorical Exclusion Evaluation (CEE). This project included designing and constructing a two-lane roadway on a new alignment between Brad McNeer Parkway and Bailey Bridge Road in Chesterfield County, Virginia, which would provide direct access to businesses and services along Route 360 from areas along Bailey Bridge Road.
Utilizing FHWA’s Traffic Noise Model (TNM), ATCS noise staff predicted Existing (2019) and Design Year (2047) Build noise levels associated with the Bailey Bridge Connector Project. Noise modeling was conducted for 142 receptor sites to understand the existing noise environment and determine how the proposed improvements could alter noise levels throughout the project area. Due to refinements in the roadway design, noise impacts were not predicted, and therefore, noise mitigation was not recommended and provided significant overall savings to the project. In addition, the new connector roadway would provide congestion relief on the local roadway network, thereby improving local air quality across the region.